gfree “me”

About gfree me… wendi e.

I embraced the fact I’m ‘gluten intolerant’ in 2010, after many, MANY (12+) years of stomach aches, headaches, skin problems…

As many of you know, going gfree (gluten free) isn’t a skill acquired overnight. Trial and error (and lots of aches and pains) made me aware I needed to start practicing discipline making better choices when it came to food.

And I love good food. And chocolate. And…

I also love photography, traveling, cooking, and telling stories with my camera – sharing MY perceptions in life as colorful, real, and for the most part just a lot of FUN. There’s no time, or room, for a sour stomach.

PLAY! Here’s a glimpse of my journey enjoying life, promoting a healthy lifestyle, shaping up and sharing my trials and errors… taking some of the guess-work out of traveling and living gfree.

Looking for YOUR starting place? A quote I love from John Cage…

Begin Anywhere.

Enjoy !


email: wendi at gluten-free-with-wendi-e dot com website/photos copyright © wendi e. all rights reserved. template copyright © pexeto.